Lego Build Party

You may see a reoccurring theme her in our family; Superheros. My husband loves them and so do the kids. Tatum and Wyatt have their own favorites and it played a big part in their 7th birthday!

Each year the kids alternate on having a party at home and having a party at a public place. Don't tell anyone but I really like having parties at home!

With the boys heavily into Legos, we decided to set up a building station where they would build prepacked lego cars. THEN race them! It was fun and entertaining. Even the adults got in on the fun!

This heavily DIY'ed party started with drawing Lego faces on yellow balloons and yellow favor bags. We also made life size Legos out of poster board and paper plates in the same colors. We made a backdrop for the cake out of them too! We made out own Lego man heads too out of cheese ball barrels and yellow spray paint!
